Educational Marketing and Sales Services

Comprehensive Higher Education Outsource Services

Performance Calling is a trusted partner for colleges, universities, and higher education institutions, offering comprehensive outsource services that empower them to achieve more. Based in the USA, our call center boasts a highly-trained, experienced staff that can efficiently handle various tasks at an affordable rate. By partnering with us, you can free up your team’s resources and focus on core priorities such as improving the quality of education, expanding student enrollment, and securing funding.

Education Call Center Services

Managing incoming calls during enrollment and payment periods can be overwhelming, leading to frustration among students and parents. Instead of handling a call center internally, leverage the expertise of Performance Calling. We specialize in managing customer inquiries for educational institutions, among other industries we serve.

Outsourcing your campus call center enables you to resolve issues promptly, reduce return calls, and enhance caller satisfaction. Additionally, you gain access to cutting-edge technology and proven processes that have proven successful for numerous universities and colleges.

By choosing Performance Calling as your outsourcing partner, you benefit from:

  • 24-hour customer call center support that addresses students’ questions, concerns, and problems related to finances, course and program enrollment, technical issues, and more.
  • An advanced contact center that provides support through various channels, including phone, web chat, application messaging, text messaging, email, social media, and more.
  • Scalable team size that adjusts to the fluctuations in call center needs, growing during enrollment periods and reducing during slow periods like summer break.
  • An experienced staff that undergoes continuous education and training, excelling in customer service expertise. Being located in the USA allows us to offer their services at a significantly lower cost compared to local hiring or outsourcing.

Outsourcing Fundraising & Student Recruitment Services

Fundraising is a vital aspect of any university or college. Developing and maintaining donor relationships is crucial for securing funding for athletic and educational programs, research projects, campus improvements, technological advancements, and more.

While most educational institutions have an existing fundraising team, their resources are often stretched thin. Performance Calling can support your fundraising team with our experience, capabilities, and technology, reducing their workload while significantly enhancing your fundraising efforts.

Common outsourcing services for universities include:

  • Conducting scripted outbound calls and emails to potential donors.
  • Creating accurate and strategic calling lists.
  • Collecting and analyzing data to evaluate the success of donor campaigns.

Our expertise can also be leveraged for student recruitment efforts, including cold calls, email campaigns, and more, aimed at increasing student enrollment.

Educational Marketing and Sales Services

Marketing teams within higher-education institutions are often burdened with heavy workloads and limited staff. Performance Calling can alleviate their responsibilities, allowing your team to focus on developing competitive marketing strategies to attract a larger and higher-quality student base.

Some tasks that your marketing team can outsource to us include:

  • Conducting customized or scripted outbound marketing calls.
  • Administering surveys to students, faculty, or the public.
  • Creating and managing successful email marketing campaigns.
  • Designing, building, maintaining, and hosting external websites.
  • Conducting in-depth marketing research to understand and target prospects better.
  • Analyzing and reporting on marketing data to improve future strategies.

Outsourcing Educational Administrative Tasks

In addition to call center needs, student and donor recruitment, marketing, and sales, Performance Calling can assist in easing the workload in various areas of your educational organization. Many essential tasks in running a college or university are time-consuming and don’t necessarily require advanced expertise. We can help by freeing up your team to focus on more innovative and critical work.

Partnering with Performance Calling can assist in:

  • Easing the workload of academic advisors by handling basic questions about courses or the enrollment process and setting appointments.
  • Creating and managing a voice or text emergency response system to instantly alert students, staff, and the community about potential threats, building or road closures, or other critical information.
  • Assisting in event planning by managing the registration process for fairs, conferences, donor events, alumni reunions, and other large events.

Get a Free Quote Now

If you are part of a university, college, or other higher education institution, it’s worthwhile to explore the benefits of outsourcing higher education services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you. We listen to your needs, explain our services, and create a customized plan of action and cost estimate to help you deliver a higher quality of education to a larger student population. Call us today for a free quote.


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